Anti spin


Jonathan David hurt
Jonathan David hurt Asked 8 years ago

Your feature story about John Hilton was awesome. I have been inspired to switch from long pimples to butterfly super anti. I want to play like him. I never even knew of him until I watched your show. Super anti is awesome with several gears you have to really engage the sponge to attack. My question is . Is super anti a good starter anti . It seems after about 3 hours of play my long pimple strokes are almost the same for anti. You guys are totally awesome. Many people at my club in nashville tn. Watch your videos.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the kind words.  Greta to hear you are able to get a lot out of the site.

It is great to hear that you are trying new things and having some success.  Super Anti is good to start with.  The strokes for anti and long pimples are very similar.

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