Anti spin on the backhand


Kunal Sethi
Kunal Sethi Asked 9 years ago

I'm playing tt for a year now and I'm new to ping skills. I haven't had any guidance still my game has been at par playing at my college. Hopefully, I would learn from tips and improve my game.

I have been playing with a pre-made bat and think I need something faster for Sports fests coming up. I played with Vega Pro and found it better than Tenergy in terms of control.

I'm buying the following equipment and want your opinion:

Ply: Tibahar Stratus Power Wood

FH: Xiom Vega Pro

BH: Yasaka Anti-Power

If you don't like this combination or have a better one, feel free to tell

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Kunal,

The setup seems a little fast on the forehand side if you have only been playing for a year.  However, if you feel that you can control this then that is OK.  On the backhand side, I don’t think that Anti-spin is a good option to start with.  I think it is important to develop your feel and skills on the backhand side before deciding to go to an Anti spin rubber.  You can’t generate speed and spin with the anti spin and so you topspin and attacking strokes will suffer.

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Thoughts on this question

Kunal Sethi

Kunal Sethi Posted 9 years ago

Well I have been playing 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week. But I still feel you are right how do you feel about mark V on BH.

Mark Jung

Mark Jung Posted 9 years ago

I think if you were to have a Tensor (the Vega pro) and a non-tensor (like that Mark V), it would make sense to have the tensor on the backhand. The backhand strokes are generally a bit weaker and will benefit more from the 'free' power/spin that Tensors provide.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Mark V is a good choice.  I would put the Mark V on the backhand for more control.

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