Hi PingSkills i ever heard about the ability to anticipate but i really don't know what it means can you tell me what it's ? Is it important to have ability to anticipation ? If yes, how to improve it ? Please for the answer thank you very much
Hi Frendy,
I think it is more important to watch the ball. Anticipation comes from learning cues from other players and patterns.
Although this is a very simple lesson, the idea applies to every level of player. Developing control and keeping the ball on the table is the most important skill in Table Tennis.
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DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago
Here's a great article on the topic:
How to Build Better Reflexes: Forget Speed and Focus on Information
Soham Kulkarni Posted 11 years ago
Excellent article jeff . It sure does tell us to watch the ball with more attention and act accordingly ..
martinand bernard Posted 10 years ago
in tennis table the ball comes very quickly and I think ( am I wrong ) it's important to react fast, I readed the article to hitt before the top of the ball, no more time to réact, a young player réact quickly than an old player no?
Hi Martinand,
A young player may be able to react faster but if the older player is watching the ball better and has better emotional control, they can be faster.