
Mental Preparation

Yoan Pelletier
Yoan Pelletier Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois ! I recently noticed that I am not playing as well as I could because I put a lot of pressure on myself. How can I stop putting pressure on myself ? Thank you!

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Yoan,

Think about focusing on the process of each point and playing better Table Tennis rather than the result.  Also take a look through the lessons we have in our Sports Psychology section.

Recommended Video

Building Block 4: Mastering Serve and Return in Table Tennis

The fourth building block of table tennis focuses on developing your serve and return, the starting point of every rally. A strong serve puts pressure on your opponent, while an effective return allows you to take control of the point from the start.

Mastering these skills is critical for success in both training and match play. By improving your serve and return, you’ll gain an edge in every game and set yourself up for victory.

Our tutorials of serving and receiving will help you develop building block 4.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Yoan Pelletier

Yoan Pelletier Posted 9 years ago

Ok thank you, but I mean before the game, what can I do ?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Take a bit of time out and do some relaxing breathing.  Focus on the tactics you want to use during the match is a good way to spend the few minutes before a match.  Also make sure you are really well warmed up.  This often helps to get rid of some of the nerves.

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