Appelgren blade


Duy Nguyen
Duy Nguyen Asked 11 years ago


I have a donic appelgren allplay blade. And I have donic vario rubber on it. Maybe later I want to change the rubber into mark V rubber. Is the combination mark V with the appelgen allplay blade good?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Duy,

The Mark V rubber will be OK with that blade.

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Thoughts on this question

Duy Nguyen

Duy Nguyen Posted 11 years ago

My old rubber whas 1.8 mm what thickness would you prefer on the mark V? I still want a good control and high spin. 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You can use 2mm.  It is not a very fast rubber.

peter rixon

peter rixon Posted 11 years ago

Hello Duy I use the donic applegren allplay senso v1.

You have chosen wisely as after much research and a few heart aches along the way I have finally found a blade with the touch and feel of the old stiga allround blades.

I have used the standard applegren allplay like yours and the v1 senso and the only difference is in the personal feel in your hand.

Duy you cannot go past mark v 1.8mm on the backhand as you can hit any ball with confidence on the backhand with this rubber.

The best rubber by far for your blade and no need to look further for the forehand is donic acuda s3 1.8mm.

Mark v is way too slow on this blade for forehand so don,t go there,i highly recommend this setup for 90% of all close to the table attacking players as the s3 has amazing punch up close .

good luck duy

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