Approach to the pressing/power


Michael Komorowski
Michael Komorowski Asked 13 years ago

Once upon a time my coach told me that every ball I receive I have to return (if it is a chance to do it) as agressive I can, I mean playing agressive topspins, counterhits and keep attacking strong aiming the white ending lines, otherwise my opponent will destroy me.

 It is true? Is it possible in modern table tennis to play more softly, with more control, spin focusing on placement without loosing initiative and points? (like style of tennis players such as Murray or Federer) I heard many times that good modern table tennis player should be concentrated on offensive fast play and giving opponent little time to react. Because of that, while I'm playing TT I'm just afraid to put to little force to the ball or play strokes with more delay or more slow balls. (I'm not a chopper)

I don' t know any player (maybe Waldner) who play more soflty, I see only based on power (exept defensors)...  



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Michael,

It is quite important to maintain the initiative in Table Tennis.  Samsonov is one player that takes the ball and puts a bit more control on the ball.

In general though you should work to take the first attack. 

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