Ask about blades


Kevin Unknown
Kevin Unknown Asked 16 years ago

I played tt for 8 years.I'm an OFF+ attacker.I play quite versatile, I loop 2 wings and also block and hit.I used to have 2 bryce with a sardius but now I want to change to something better.My friends said that Schlager carbon is good.Can you give me some advice and describe more about Schlager carbon ? I saw Schlager played with that blade with 2 Tenergy 05 but he's world class, he can control that speed demon, very hard, very stiff and not soft at all, and super fast ? I'm sure not as good as him but do you think Schlager carbon can go well with 2 tenergy 05 ?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Kevin,

I will see if other have played with this equipment and can give us some informed information about them.

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#39 - Total 3rd Ball Attack

Being able to play a third ball attack from both wings is a huge step in your development. It means that your opponent has no safe place to push the ball long. This week we ask you to perform a number of match drills that require you to play third ball attacks from either side.

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Thoughts on this question

Charles Unknown

Charles Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Yes Tenergy goes well with that blade. But it all comes to the style of the player and the level of the player if he can control it. It's best if you could probly buy Tenergy but remember if it dosen't fit you, you just wasted money. It's best to go to an even larger comunity like mytabletennis and all those other sites and ask there. Am I allowed to say that?

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