New series of lessons?


Michael Unknown
Michael Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hey Alois and Jeff thanks for all the great videos.

I noticed that the new forehand topspin-sidespin video isn't on the site yet, and I was wondering if maybe this was part of a new series of videos.

Thanks for all the help from the videos.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Michael,

The sidespin topsin will get onto our site soon.  When we get a few more lessons together we will put out a new Lessons DVD.

Glad you are benefitting from the videos.

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Thoughts on this question

Michael Unknown

Michael Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Are you allowed to tell what those upcoming lessons may be??

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
We have a list of Lessons that have been requested. They include Receiving posiiton, Blocking slow heavy topspin, reading the play & positioning, Counter smash, Serving short & low. If you have any other ideas please let us know. If we think they are appropriate we will get to them as soon as we get some time.

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