

matias chambers
matias chambers Asked 12 years ago

I dont know what is happening. It seems like all I can do is block the ball very slowly, and when I try to topspin the ball, I dont hit it or it flies past the end of the table. When I try to smash, the ball ends up traveling very slow, and on my flick, it just flies past the end of the table. I just get so frustrated. This usually doesn't happen. What should I do? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Matias,

In this situation, you need to slow all of your strokes down and make sure you are doing them correctly first.  As you gain more confidence in the strokes, you can start to speed up.

Table Tennis progress doesn't go in a straight line.  There are always ups and downs.  The main thing is that you keep working consistently.  This will lead to long term development.  Don't worry too much about the little bumps along the way.

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Using Your Wrist

In this week's master class we discuss how you can use your wrist to get some extra speed and spin. This is most important on the backhand and your serves.

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