Attacking long spinny serves


Francisco Cespedes Grau
Francisco Cespedes Grau Asked 6 years ago


Today I played against a player who plays always long (not super fast, just long or half long) spinny serves... backspin... sometimes a lot of sidespin.

If he plays the servers to my forehand I can attack it, but when he serves to my backhand with a lot of backspin or sidespin (the ball doesnt has much speed)  I just push it.

My doubt is, as a forehand attacker, should I be able to forehand topspin long spinny servers to my backhand?

I find very hard to backhand topspin servers with a lot of backspin!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Francisco,

You can move across and use your forehand at this stage.

I would still work more on the backhand topspin against backspin.  You have good enough touch on the backhand to be able to do it.  Just focus on more spin and less speed and really spin he ball up on the return.

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