Awkward grip


Ali Sultan Bukhari
Ali Sultan Bukhari Asked 7 years ago

I want to ask a question about holding/gripping a bat. I Holds a table tennis bat in very awkward way. Seriously, i keep my thumb on face of bat and rest of four fingers on the back of racket (by this I couldn't play shot from back of bat) 

The Thing I Want To Ask That Is This Type Of Holding/Gripping Allowed In Table Tennis? 

(Please Donot Say No)?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Ali,

The grip is allowed.  There are no rules around how you are allowed to hold the bat.  However, you are finding it restrictive for playing backhands so it is worth trying to change your grip to a more conventional one.  This will allow you to develop you game further.

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