I've started playing Table Tennis, after a very long gap, and, I was going through some related sites, when I cam across some Pingskills videos on youtube, which then brought me to this site... Good work guys... Keep it up
I've started playing Table Tennis regularly, after a gap of around 18 years .... I would say that I used to be an intermediate level player, but currently, I'd have to down-grade my play-level to basic ....My game used to be to closer to the table, BH Push/Chop/side-spin, Looping Forehand, Occasional BH Drive, third-ball attack. Relied on ball placement with heavy chop/sidespin .... I'm 42, and I'm finding it really hard to get back.... My game is certainly a far cry from what it used to be... It's as if I don't know how to play, especially on my forehand, and return of serve ... Your advice on the following, would be much appreciated
Thanks ....
Hi Veet,
Glad you are playing again after the break. It can be frustrating at first. I think the most important thing to start with is to forget any expectations of how you used to play. Focus on the positive of each ball going on the table.
As far as exercises, I think initially some basic footwork movements to get the feet moving will be good. Start with a set drill where you play one ball from each side and then move into more random placements. If you don't have the opportunity to do drills then during the games focus on moving and jumping a little between each shot to keep the feet moving. It is all about getting balanced to play each ball.
Regarding equipment I would keep the same blade and just change to new rubbers. You can't go too far wrong by just getting 2 Mark V rubbers.
Training drills would be as I have indicated above and then also working on some serve and 3rd ball drills. You serve get your partner to push the ball back to you and you make a topspin stroke. This is something that will be used a lot in a match situation.
Good luck with it all.
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Veet Voojajig Posted 7 years ago
Hi Alois,
Thanks for your suggestions,
Where, I play, almost no one wants to help me practice or do the drills.. Everyones just interested in playing a game/match...So, I just try to practice during games... I've already started the third-ball topspin drill, a while back...I've been netting 60%, another 30% fly-off to the ceiling... Any suggestions ?
Another problem thats cropped-up is my return of serve against heavy spin (against side-spin mostly). Having a tough time keeping the ball on the table, and when I do, my return is high, allowing my opponent to finish the point off
I received your reply a tad late.... Just today, I went ahead with a Mark V (Max thickness) and DHS Neo 3 Hurricane (Max) combo... I got a chance to try-out the DHS, and quite liked it... Actually, it works quite well for my FH. So, I may just use the DHS on my FH, and the Mark V for my BH... They're both, priced around the same, and suited my budget too...
Once my game improves, I might consider some other rubber.
Veet Voojajig Posted 7 years ago
It's not been more than 3 months, after I start playing, and over 2 months since I've got the DHS & Mark combo...
Here's where I stand, as of today, and my thought on the above-mention ed setup..
My level of play has improve, particularly my FH (Loop, top-spins, drive)... On BH - on-table flicks, pushes have improved.. Close-to-the-table blocking too has improved... However, I just can't seem to get my loops & top-spins - in part due to lack of technique, and in part due to a pre-existing shoulder problem, and now (more recently) as tennis elbow.
I manage to do some basic drills, as and when I find a willing partner...
It's now been almost 2 months since I've been using the Hurricane Neo3, and here're some thought, based on my experience with it, so far
Initially, the rubber was really tacky... However, the tackiness has worn off considerably. Yes, I clean my rubber, after every play session. The sound too has changed.. It's a more of a paataak... paattaack type of sound, now... Kind of click-ky
It offers good control, on whichever side I use it on...
Produces good low-'ish Backspin/underspin from on-table pushes. I'd say, it plays well, even against underspin..
Very nice for close-to-the-table blocking too... Can too some extent, kill the speed of the attack.
Quite unforgiving, with loops and top-spins. More so, on BH.. Brushing technique needs to be near perfect, especially on BH.
On my FH, I have to put considerable effort to generate speed while looping/top-spinning. I play close to mid-distance... Quite tiring, to play with it.. This, compounded with the weight of the rubber, and a slightly incorrect technique has resulted in a tennis elbow...
I could produce super spinny, but not-so-fast FH top-spins, with a considerable amount of throw.. I noticed, that while most players (Intermediate) could get to my top-spins, they had to have perfect racquet angle and touch to block the top-spins, or else the ball would just fly off long.
I gave-up looping with this, from my BH... I found it very difficult. Possibly due to my technique...I'm not good at looping/top-spinning on the BH, anyway, but feel that this rubber made it even more difficult
Produced some pretty nasty serves... I guess, due to the tackiness.
Pretty decent at flat-hits from close-to-mid distance.
In conclusion - I feel this rubber demands textbook technique, and brute force. If you've got both these, then can be awesome, otherwise aweful.... I may just switch to another rubber, or an entirely new setup.
On the MARK-V ... I think it's best days are behind it... It worked really well in the 38mm ball era... I'm not sure, if its got what it takes for these new balls... It's okay for beginner serious players.. thats all.