Hi Alouis,
I have a little friend in school who started playing Table Tennis before three years. He is good at forehand but zero at backHand. Yesterday he came to me and asked how he can improve his backhand. Can you suggest me some tips about this?
Hi Aasim,
I would say go to the lesson on the Backhand Counterhit first and get him to learn and feel comfortable with it. Then he can progress with other backhand strokes.
It is often just a matter of hitting more balls on the backhand side to start to feel comfortable with the strokes.
The no spin loop is a good variation that can be effective even at the highest level. Watch as we show you how to get this stroke right.
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Aasim Showkat Posted 12 years ago
Hi Alois,
Sorry to say, but counterhit is very far thing He even doesn't know how to hit with backhand or return a serve with backhand.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Hi Aasim,
He can get the counterhit better. Just get him to do it slowly where you are hitting it to him consistently.