Backhand Block


vivek unni
vivek unni Asked 13 years ago


Can you show a video how to face the ball wen it is coming to the back hand court. cuz im not able to face the ball if its coming in topspin

please show the video before 24th august 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

HI Vivek,

Take a look at the lesson on the Backhand Block that we have on our free lessons. This will show you the way to hit the ball o the backhand against a topspin ball.

Sounds like you have an important match on the 24th. 

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Countering a Chop Block

The key is to countering a chop block is to ensure you wait for the ball as it comes through much slower compared to a normal block. You also need to lift the ball more than you would against a regular block.

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