Backhand development


Abhiram Reddy
Abhiram Reddy Asked 11 years ago

To add offensive to my backhand , I initially set out to learn the side-spin flick. Most of the times I am unable to put side-spin on the ball and simply flat hit it (plain flick).But when I do succeed with the stroke I get better results. Which stroke should i pursue first? Or can I try learning both together?

The end result I want is to bring proficiency to my backhand in general including having a confident BH topspin off any ball. What is the order of strokes you suggest I start practicing? I can already block moderately well and do the counter-hit to some extent.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

I would focus on the counter hit first, then the topspin, then the Flick.  Then you can move on to the sidespin flick.  It is a matter of getting the feel for the ball on the backhand side first.

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