Finish Position for Backhand Topspin


Chandrachur Mukherjee
Chandrachur Mukherjee Asked 11 years ago

Hi coach,

Can you give me the finish position of backhand topspin of backspin & backhand topspin of topspin

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Chandrachur,

You can think of it in a few ways:

  • Think that you are handing over some money to someone on the palm of your hand and reach out to give it to them
  • Make sure your hand is going past your elbow
  • Finish with your arm like it is a Ski Jump
  • Finish with your hand at shoulder height
  • You can also find something in the corner or the roof that you can point at.  Find a position that feels comfortable and then find something that you can point to that emulates that position.

This is the basic finish position.  Now against backspin your hand will be higher at the finish and against topspin your hand will be lower.

Hope this helps.

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Thoughts on this question

Chandrachur Mukherjee

Chandrachur Mukherjee Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Alois,

It was the best explanation I have ever read in my answers

Thanks a lot.


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