Backhand drills


akshat kamat
akshat kamat Asked 11 years ago

Can you help me with a video on some backhand power drills with shots like backhand counter hit, topspin, smash etc?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Akshat,

We have some Backhand drills in our Training Secrets lessons.  However with any drill that has a backhand you can adjust it to practice what you want to.  So if there is a Backhand drill, practice some topspins or counter hits or smashes depending on what you want to practice that session.

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Do you enjoy watching great Table Tennis rallies where one player is smashing and the other is lobbing? Of course you do, everyone loves that. In Table Tennis if you can win a point when lobbing then it will really play with your opponents mind. It's really a 2 point turnaround from 1 they should have won to 1 you actually won. In this session we give you plenty of practice to improve your lobbing skills.

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