Backhand into net


Hung Diep
Hung Diep Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois, I have lots of trouble with my backhand. Whenever I play my backhand, the ball either goes to the net, off the table or it is a lucky shot. Any key things to remember about the backhand? Thanks P.S: How can you tell where your opponent's shot is going to go?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Hung,

The best thing is to go back to the basics.  Think about your stance and then your  start and finish positions of the stroke. If you are doing these correctly the ball will go on the table consistently.  Take a look again at the lesson on The Backhand Counterhit.

For the second part of your question take a look at a previous question I have answered about Predicting where the ball is going.   

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Thoughts on this question

Piers Grey

Piers Grey Posted 14 years ago

Every player in table tennis has a weaker side to their playing style; in your case this is the backhand. The key to improving your backhand is to make sure your technique is correct; you don't want to groove in wrong technique otherwise you won't progress very quickly in this area of your game. So, by  doing what alois suggested this will help your backhand.

Make sure though, that you don't focus solely on your backhand, try and make sure that you also practice your forehand as well so that your forehand doesn't get worse as your backhand gets better.

I hope this helps you

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