Ball Spins Back


Gabriel Unknown
Gabriel Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

I have a small doubt about a funny thing that may happen once in a while.If someone hits a ball with such strong backspin that it comes back to his side after bouncing on the opponent's, is that a point? My friends say that you get the point if something like this happens.

Thanks in advance!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Gabriel,

If you hit it with enough backspin and they don't touch it before it bounces back on your side, you win the point.

Try it out sometime.  See if you generate enough backspin to make the ball return.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Topspin Against Various Spins and Lengths

Take a look at how to make the topspin when you are confronted with different types of balls.

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