Backhand punch


ALi tareen Unknown
ALi tareen Unknown Asked 16 years ago


Sir when u gonna upload your video about backhand punch?

Another Question:

Whenever my opponent gave backspin on my forehand i apply topsin as you did it in the lesson but as i play topspin my opponent give a smash on my topspin and could not recover it.So, what should i do to avoid this?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ali,

Unfortunately, we still have to make the lesson on the punch. Time has been limited lately.

With the topspin, try to keep the ball lower over the net or vary the spi, speed and placement so that they don't get used to the same topspin.



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Thoughts on this question

farhoud Sixi

farhoud Sixi Posted 16 years ago

here is a link on how to do the backhand punch but i personally dont like the technique because its it doesnt have much topspin so it could fail, i like the pingskills backhand topspin better

ALi tareen Unknown

ALi tareen Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Hi dear,

   Have u ever seen J.O.Waldner punching the ball from his backhand?

BAckhand punch is very useful technique it is useful when ur oppenent give u a weak ball leaving a lot of space on thiz fore aud back than u use this by placing the ball FORCEFULLY!!!!

Backhand topspin is very diferent thing from backhand punCh!!!

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 16 years ago

Like any other shot in table tennis, backhand punches are appropriate in certain situations and inappropriate in others.  It's all about shot selection. 

The relative lack of topspin compared to a backhand drive DOES mean there is a smaller margin for error - and there will be times when you should be more conservative.  However, if you know how to use it, and you use it in the correct situation, it is a very powerful weapon.  I know because I always find it very challenging to play opponents with a good backhand punch in their arsenal.  And it is a shot I would love to develop myself

Ray Algar

Ray Algar Posted 15 years ago

How do I develop an attacking backhand topspin/loop?

I have a strong game that presently relies heavily on a big forehand - I often find myself running around my backhand.

This year, I want to develop an attacking backhand, but find that presently there is little bat speed. My backhand shots are quite 'cautious' and lack the flow that I have on my forehand. In matches, I am now noticing that players are picking up on this 'tentative' backhand and tend to focus down that wing.

I would really like to know how to develop confidence to generate a free-flowing backhand that has real zip and pace - it feels so much more natural on the forehand side.




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