ma long


phil Unknown
phil Unknown Asked 16 years ago

hi guys,

ma long is my favourite player because he is very attacking now i watch a lot of his match play and ive realised that he straightens his arm in the loop now ive tried this and my timing is off a lot of the time so any tips??

also who are your faveourite players?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Phil,

Yes straigtenining your arm can be useful at the stat of the stroke especially when you are trying to generate the most power.  Ths is because the arm is a longer lever when it is straight and so the end of the bat is moving faster and therefore will make the ball move faster.  But the downside is that you will lose some of the control.  This can be improved with practice. getting the timing right is the most difficult thing.

Focus on your timing with this stroke.  Satrt by moving your arm through slowly and trying to get the right timing.  As you improve, you can start to swing your arm faster.

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