Backhand serve failure


Maciej Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois, Jeff. When I started to work on doing more effective back/sidespin backhand serve, I see that these services are not regular - some great, some very bad. This is for sure something that I can work harder. One thing is the biggest problem - especially during games and tournaments - I lose many points because I throw the ball up and it goes down to the floor because I can't even reach it. Sometimes I have 3 such errors in one set and this is disaster. 

What I do wrong, is it that I want to give too much speed or I have wrong balance, position etc?

Thanks, Maciej from Poland

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Maciej,

Think about making the contact a little simpler to start with.  Practice just throwing the ball up and touching it with your bat or letting it land on the back of your bat.  Then you can start to make the serving action.  Slowly you can increase your swing and try to get the contact consistent.

Serving takes a long time to get perfect.  Just take your time and practice it as often as you can.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

You cannot REACH it???

What the hell are you doing with you arm???
Ican understand if you would just miss the ball,but not REACH??

Can you tell me exactly how are you doing your serve?


Maciej Posted 9 years ago

Hi again, 

Alois thanks for reply, I will try to develop this serve again from basis. 

D K sorry I used wrong word - that's right I simply miss the ball, I make a move below the ball faster than it goes down on the bat.

Just to mention, since last month I use new bat, a little bit more heavy than the old one - but could it be the case?


D K Posted 9 years ago

I think that this can be corrected only by training.

I think you should practise timing your stroke.

I also have timing problems,so I always wait for a longer time If my previous stroke was too fast.


And heavier bat..I think it should slower your movement,but it can be individual.

At least in my case,when the weight of the bat increase,my speed goes down exponentially

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Hi Maciej,

A slight change in weight of bat could make a difference for a little while.  Just focus on the basics again and you will adjust.


Maciej Posted 9 years ago

Short update:

During the previous training I concentrated on basic, served only this backhand serve all the time and tried to contact a ball more from the bottom than from the back. I used less power for this practice. I've waited short for effects, the last training gave me more confidence in this serve and I didn't do even one (!) such error during the games against my partners!

I need to more practice to give more power and spin on it but I think the future should be bright ;)

thanks for the tips!


Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Well done Maciej!

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