Backhand serve popular with defenders


SirLoops Alot
SirLoops Alot Asked 8 years ago

Seems like choppers and modern defenders use the backhand serve disproportionately more than attackers. Do you agree and if so, why do you think that is?

Also, why are there almost zero left handed defenders? Obviously there are generally fewer lefties and fewer defenders in general, so it makes sense that there would be very few cases where a player is both. But still though, i literally have never seen one. I'd think that lefty choppers would fare well, since a right handed attacker's loop tends to go cross-court in to their bh chop.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Daniel,

I think defenders use the backhand serve so that they are in a better central position to deal with an attackers shot.

As far as why there are few left handers, it may just be a numbers game.

Does anyone have any ideas or examples of some left handed defenders...

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Beating Defenders

Against defenders you've generally got a bit more time to make your attack and so you can be more selective on which ball to target. Think about finding your opponent's weaker side and whether they prefer a faster ball coming towards them or a slower ball. Try different spins, speed and placement! Watch the video now to learn more great tips on how to beat a defender.

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Thoughts on this question

Marcin Lonak

Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago

My main practice partner is a left handed longpips on bh player.

Jason Ferdinand

Jason Ferdinand Posted 8 years ago

I'm not very sure, but I think Liu Song is one of the left handed defender. He just do the chop sometimes, but I think he is a defender too.

David Rogers

David Rogers Posted 2 weeks ago

Just joined this site, so apologies for the late response! I'm a beginner, a left-handed defender, and only play doubles. I've recently bought my first bat, which is an "all-rounder" (Bribar Winning Loop) with 1.5mm rubbers. Would it eventually benefit me to have a custom bat with "defensive" blade and rubbers  (1.0mm?) and would there be any benefit to having a different rubber on the forehand, which I rarely use?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 2 weeks ago

Hi David,

I think it would be better to get something with Long Pimples on the backhand and an inverted rubber on the forehand so that you can attack with it if you want to.

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