Backhand smash


Nabil Unknown
Nabil Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois!

I wanted to ask if there is such thing as a backhand smash and if there is such thing, is it different from a forehand smash?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Nabil,

There is a Backhand Smash but you will ifnd that if you have enough time to smash you will usually have enough time to be able to move around and take it with your forehand. The forehand smash has more potential for power because you have a bigger swing at it.

The principles for the Backhand Smash are similar that you have to get yourself into position first and then hit the ball quite flat to generate the speed.  Contact the ball at around shoulder height.

Recommended Video

Backhand Smash

Our advice is to avoid the backhand smash and play the forehand smash instead. However if you do get caught out and need to play it, watch this video to learn the right technique to use.

Watch Now

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