

Jack Mills Unknown
Jack Mills Unknown Asked 15 years ago

What is your opinion on male defence? because i am playing defence at the moment and it really works for me. i am a junior though so this may be why. also, in response to the question about Wu Yang, all the asker has to do is to look at Fan Ying to see how successful female defence can be, as she beat Guo Yan 4-3 in the polish open last month, didn't she? and she was ranked more than 15 places below her.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Jack,

Defence is a legitimate way to play as you have seen, even for male players.  You will keep developing as you get older and you will just need to keep working hard to stay ahead of the attacking players.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#34 - Chopping, a last defence

Unless you are a defender you won't be practicing chopping regularly. However the chop is a great way to stay in the point if you are out of position and is also a difficult variation for your opponent to deal with.

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