Backhand strokes


Huzaifa Sohail
Huzaifa Sohail Asked 12 years ago


I am very fond of playing table tennis i play very well on my forehand but i cannot pick on backhand

Can u tell me any way of making my backhand strong ?

some things that i would like to include are:

  • I can now after a lot of practise pick 3 to 4 on backhand but then the ball goes out of the table.
  • I have tried a lot but I canot spin on backhand I haven't done it once the ball just rushes off the table :(.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Huzaifa,

I think the best thing is to take a look through the lessons we have.  First watch the lesson on the Backhand Counterhit.  Take particular note of the start and finish positions that we show you.  Work and doing this slowly and getting the technique correct before trying to hit the ball too fast.

If you start to feel comfortable with this then you can start to look at the Backhand Topspin Against Block.  This is a more advanced shot.

If you work hard at getting the technique correct you will start to get more consistency.  You can also use our Consistency Chart which is in our Free Downloads section to keep a check on your progress with the stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

Aasim Showkat

Aasim Showkat Posted 11 years ago

I have the same kind of problem with backhand that i didn't get enough time for backhand topspin when dealing with fast balls.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Aasim,

Think about your footwork and making it faster so that you can get in to better position to make the stroke.  This will usually be the issue.  Even if the movement is backwards to give yourself a little more time.

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