Blade Suggestion


AmirAli Tharani
AmirAli Tharani Asked 12 years ago

Hi Coach,

I am thinking of an upgrade from my current blade, which is the 729 C-2 All+ 

The rubbers I m using are:
FH Coppa X1 Gold (Max Thickness)
BH Mark V (Max Thickness)

Kindly suggest me a, light weight & moderate priced, blade that would go well with my rubbers and compliment my loop oriented style of play. (:

Cheers! (:

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi AmirAli,

I hope some of our readers will be able to help you out.

The one we recommend in the PingSkills Touch.

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Thoughts on this question

enrico rodil

enrico rodil Posted 12 years ago

i would suggest you stiga v1 WRB carbon blade small amount of price try using dhs skyline 3 neo rubber on forehand and stiga boost tx on your backhand give it a try

AmirAli Tharani

AmirAli Tharani Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Coach! (:

Thank you Enrico..but for the time being , I will just go for the blade because my rubbers are almost new and when the time comes I will definitely give, your suggested rubbers, a try! Thanks again!

Cheers! (: 

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago

Hi sir alois about pingskills touch, i want to ask somethings as you say that xiom vega pro is the best, should i put it on each side of my blade (FH and BH) and if i buy the pingskills touch, can i choose to put different rubber on each side ?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Frendy,

We recommend the VEga Pro but there are hundreds of other good options out there.  If you did want different rubbers we may be able to organise it for you.

Arnon Thaicharoen

Arnon Thaicharoen Posted 11 years ago

IMO, for looping, you need brush contact, your blade should be as light as possible. It would make you feel the ball better, switch from forehand to backhand and vice versa more quickly. You'll use less energy during play so you will not feel tired as much.

Most of the weight of your bat comes from the weight of rubbers, in order to cut down on weight, choose a blade that is light in itself coupled with narrow blade area. Narrow blade ensures that your blade carries less rubber weight. In short, with light, narrow blade, you can stick any rubber you fancy and your blade will still feel light. Don't worry about the narrowness of your blade, because you should hit the ball at the blade center anyway, so narrowness of less than 1 cm will not affect your game.

One such blade I recommend is Andro Super Core Carbon Light. Weight 63 gm without rubber. There are three variants, ALL+, OFF and OFF+. I use OFF and it's great. 

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