Backhand Topspin Wrist action


Soham Ganguly
Soham Ganguly Asked 10 years ago

Hello sir, I am Soham. My question is if I play backhand topspin, which one should I do? Should I bent the wrist and play the shot or should I keep the wrist straight? Will there be any spin on the ball by keeping the wrist straight? And while playing backhand top spin should I move from right to left like the forehand topspin or should I twist from left to right? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Soham,

As you advance you can start to relax your wrist and let it come through with the stroke.  This will give you more spin and speed.  Firstly though don’t use too much wrist as it will lead to inconsistency.

Move or twist from left to right to transfer your weight with the stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

Soham Ganguly

Soham Ganguly Posted 10 years ago

Thanks a lot...I'll try to apply that....


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