Backspin serve


Molly Unknown
Molly Unknown Asked 14 years ago

how to do backspin service

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Molly,

To execute a backspin serve, you need to come under the ball. Make sure that when you serve you have a fine brushing contact and a fast contact. Doing both of these together can be difficult.

The best way to practice this is to get away from the table. Try and hit the ball with backspin and get it to come back to yourself. You will need plenty of backspin to make this happen. Once you can consistently get the ball coming back to yourself the you are ready to go back to the table. Now work on your serve. First try and simply serve the ball on the table and then work on your placement. Eventually you want enough control to get the ball to bounce twice on your opponents side.

We cover backspin serves in detail in Serving Secrets Revealed

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How To Practice

To get better at serving you need to practice. We give you a step by step framework to follow to ensure you are making the most of your practice time.

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