Backspin sidespin across


Alvin Samson
Alvin Samson Asked 12 years ago

Hello there!

My problem is that when im serving across from right to left but still with some forward momentum it seems like i get topspin, i know you need to have a fast brushing contact.

So do you have any tips and how can i see if i do any backspin?

Thanks  for the answers/Alvin :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Alvin,

For the backspin you need to brush under the ball.  Tilt your bat back.  To tell that you have backspin on the ball watch to see what the ball does on the second and third bounces on the table.  If the ball stops, or even slows down then it probably has backspin.  The ultimate is if the ball stops and starts to come back towards to you.

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