Bad table


Hammad Hammad
Hammad Hammad Asked 14 years ago

Hi coach

the table which i have got in my club is not of good does not give enough bounce.and all the tables in my locality are of the same quality.thats why there is a large number of pushers here who used to push the ball low on regular bases.the ball does not come out of the table so we cannot make a powerful loop.the only reply we have is to push the ball in the same there any solution of the problem? Also flick can not be performed. I love to play fast and aggressive and I do not want to push the ball again and again. Tell me what to do

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Hammad,

The best way to attack this problem is to keep developing your forehand topspin until you are able to play it even though the ball does not bounce that high. Watch our lesson on the forehand topspin against backspin. Notice that when the ball has more backspin you need a more vertical stroke in order to lift the ball. If the ball stays low then the same is true. You will need to play a slower spinnier loop.

Playing a slow and very spinny first loop is a great strategy. It will be a hard shot for your opponents to deal with and it will put you into a great position to play aggressively on the next ball.

So that is my advice, play a slow spinny topspin off the first push and then play more attacking strokes on the return.

For the flicks, if the ball does stay very low then it will be difficult to play a strong flick. You may be better off pushing the ball back short and then waiting for a longer push to attack.

Give these ideas a try and let us know how it goes. 

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