Ball differences


kevin cristea
kevin cristea Asked 11 years ago

What is the difference between a 1 star ball and a 3 star ball I don't get it

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kevin,

The 3 star balls are harder and more even in roundness and also in firmness all around the ball.  The 1 star balls can be more unreliable as far as the above and are usually softer.

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Thoughts on this question

Arturo Ruiz

Arturo Ruiz Posted 11 years ago

But does the 1 star ball also have 40 mm  diameter?

kevin cristea

kevin cristea Posted 11 years ago

yes it does have 40 mm diameter i checked. the type of ball is a dunlop really cheap but good enough.

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