Ball hits the plastic corner protector


Tony Nelson
Tony Nelson Asked 5 years ago

So at my work we have 3 fairly nice stiga tables but noticeably they all have plastic corner protectors that seem to extend a 1/4 of inch or so in the corners.  When you hit them you can definitely hear the difference.  Should that still count as a point?  

I realize professional tables dont have these and I will see if I can get my company to take them off but didnt know if you had ran into this situation before.  We have just been counting them as in.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Tony,

If it isn't part of the top of the table then it would be out if the ball hits the plastic part.  On;y the top of the table is considered to be in.

As you say, it isn't something that happens in international tournaments however it is good to know in a lot of school, work or club situations.

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Thoughts on this question

Tony Nelson

Tony Nelson Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

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