How to counter a pendulum serve


Luis Borja
Luis Borja Asked 12 years ago

i play with my friends and they use it, and i dont know what i have to do

sorry if my english isnt correct, i speak spanish, im learning english

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Luis,

Good English.

If they are doing the Pendulum serve it will probably have some sidespin on it. Use your bat like a rudder to steer the ball back.  If the ball wants to go to the right then face your racket to the left.  Don't try to do too much to the ball just use the angle of your racket to get the ball back.

If you have problems you can also purchase a copy of our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD which goes through in great detail how to return all types of serves.

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

Translation for Luis

"Si ellos estan haciendo el servicio de pendulo probablemente lleva sidespin. Usa la raqueta como un timon para dirigir la bola de vuelta. Si la bola tiende a irse a la derecha, entonces gira tu raqueta hacia la izquierda. No trates de hacerle mucho a la bola, solo usa el angulo de tu raqueta para devolver la bola.

Si tienes problemas tambien puedes comprar una copia de nuestro DVD "Serving Secrets Revealed" donde se muestra con gran detalle como devolver todos los tipos de servicios"

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Julio, I really appreciate the help you give with this.

Luis Borja

Luis Borja Posted 12 years ago

thank you so much julio

amr abrahim

amr abrahim Posted 12 years ago

good boy

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