

Nigel C
Nigel C Asked 4 years ago

Alois and Jeff,

Happy new year, lets hope 2021 is better than 2020.

I haven't had any official table tennis for almost a year but I am lucky as I've managed to fit a table in our garage. It is a bit of a squeeze but of it's better than nothing. Doubly luck as I have bought a robot. My robot came with some 2 star balls, and I have acquired some training balls as well. 

The 2 star balls seem much better quality than the training balls. But looking on line most sellers seem to sell either 3 star or training balls. I have found a few places that sell 1 star or 2 star but why so few? Are training balls below 1 star in quality, so is it just companies trying to make us buy the more expensive 3 star balls or compromise with training balls? Do you find training balls to be good enough quality for everyday use?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Nigel,

I think the Training ball standard in general is good enough for practice.  However, the quality varies greatly.

The 2 Star balls tend to be good.  Often it is just the way that the particular manufacturer labels their balls.

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