Dear Coach,
After years of practicing table tennis, I finally realized the reason of my overall pitfall in all strokes: I am just too tall ( 187 cm)! If I try to take the stand position of Wang Liqin or Samsanov (two of tall players), it makes a huge difference in my strokes. A better forehand/backhand, a stronger topspin forehand (and faster stroker), much better control on ball,..
But the way those players stand behind the table is an awkward position. Think about it ! Taking a look at how Wang Liqin or Samsanov stand, their feet are standing almost 120 cm away from each other !!!
This is a difficult position for me to maintain, especially for the whole game (and not to forget: a lot of pressure on knees!)
What is the solution? Just let go of it and stick to my wrong strokes, or start learning and immitating how the grand players play?
Hi Hamid,
It is a great observation you make. We've said before that the quickest way to tell a really good player from a beginner is to look at they way they stand. This applies to all players and not just tall players. Watch our video on the Basic Stance where Alois talks about how wide apart your feet should be and how it does feel unnatural at first.
If you want to become a really good player, then it is a good idea to copy the best in the World.
How should you move if you are a defender. The footwork is quite different to that of an attacker because you have a lot more distance to cover. However, we will show you the simple movement patterns that will help you to be able to cover the whole court effectively.
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Hamid B Posted 11 years ago
Thanks for the answer, Jeff.
Unfortunately I have to get back to this again (after many months). Yesterday, my coach and I had a disagreement. He believed I am standing too wide (my foots far apart from each other). I believe otherwise. If I compare myself with top players (with a similar tallness), they even stand wider than I do.
Here is the reasoning of my coach:
- He says: If you stand that wide, you can't easily make small steps. Making small steps (which is usually always necessary to keep the right positioning) is easier when your feet are closer to each other.
I guess, my feet is around 1 meter away from each other (the advice of coach, I guess, is something like 80cm). Although both of these work for me, I want to stick to the right habit and keep doing it for years. That's why I ask for your advice.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Hamid,
I think if you watch what the best players do that is the best gauge. You can move and make the small steps easier with the narrower stance. However with the wider stance you often won't need to make those small steps. It does require more leg strength to move from the lower and wider position but in the long term I believe this is the better stance.