Bat Choice


Brett robinson
Brett robinson Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois

I'm just starting to get into table tennis but I can hit an alright ball. Would you recommend getting a really good quality bat or just an average one?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Brett,

If you are just starting out I would not go for a bat that is too expensive. Generally if you do that the rubber you get on your bat will be very fast and hard to control. If the bat is too fast it can actually hamper you learning the strokes in the correct manner. Instead of playing a full stroke you will shorten your swing too much.

There are a lot of good Table Tennis bats that you can use when starting. We recommend the PingSkills Rook as your first real Table Tennis bat. After you have used this for a year or so then I would look at upgrading to the PingSkills Touch with Mark V.

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