Bat or Table


max goodkind
max goodkind Asked 12 years ago

Hey, i started playing table tennis a couple of years ago, and I'm a young player. My forehand topspin is pretty good, but i can't quite perfect my backhand (i always find myself either blocking or pushing the ball), so i tried some spin shots to replace my backhand failure. I try and practice my spin as much as i can during the weekend, but it never seems to end up changing direction, slowing down etc. Im sure it's either the table is old and dusty or the bat is too old. Please can you tell me which one is the problem for generating that spin!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Max,

It could be the table or the bat or the other thing is that the stroke may not be quite right.  The table is the least likely to effect things.

Run your finger across the surface of the racket.  If it still has a good grippy surface then it is probably still good.

Perhaps also take a video of yourself playing a backhand stroke.  YOu can do this with a phone or any simple video camera and watch it back.  See if it looks similar to Jeff's stroke in our lesson on the Backhand Counterhit.

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