Bats are real or fake


Ron Sebastian
Ron Sebastian Asked 9 years ago

So I went to a neighborhood shop to buy a table tennis bat and the shopkeeper said these are his best ones. Are they real butterfly's and stiga's?

This is the butterfly

And this is the Stiga

I know the pics are of a low quality :( I took them from my friends phone. Any replies are appreciated.Thanks :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ron,

They are real bats but they are both the low end range of their bats.  They are designed for players starting the game.  The problem is that they will only last a few months if you are developing your game.

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Thoughts on this question

Ron Sebastian

Ron Sebastian Posted 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your reply :). I'm actually just returning to the game after few years hiatus. I just wanted to know if they were fake or not. Thanks again :D

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