Becoming better


Derek Tun
Derek Tun Asked 14 years ago


I train once a week, for one hour with Brian Berry and play 2 pennants. So basically my question is, whether or not i will be able to become better in a fast time. I started only a year ago and i am beginning to think that i may have started late which will take me longer to become better.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi D.T.

I started playing Table Tennis at a club when I was 12 years old which a lot of people consider starting late. I don't think that age is a problem when trying to improve. It really comes down to practice and competition.

The main thing is to play as much as possible on a consistent basis ensuring you still enjoy the challenge of improving.

Have a read of a blog Alois wrote recently called Trainings' Critical Factors. It discusses how you need a focus for your training sessions, how consistency is important and how much training you should do. 

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial


By visualising yourself playing Table Tennis, you can improve your skills without having to actually hit a ball. Of course you still need to practice actually playing the game but this can help you perfect your technique. Watch the master class for some ideas on how to do this.

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Thoughts on this question

bertus bertus

bertus bertus Posted 11 years ago

When I started playing TT almost 7 years ago the road to improve was very clear to me. Learn to push, drive, block, topspin, serve and footwork. Nowdays most of these strokes I can do fearly consistent, so I start to think about my next steps to improve...
But what's there to improve? Any tips?

Thx in advance!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Bertus,

You can think about placement, spin variation and improving serves and return of serve.  There is so much out there.  Think also about your matches and how you are winning and losing points.  See if you can develop those strengths and plug up the weaknesses.

Soham Kulkarni

Soham Kulkarni Posted 11 years ago

nicely structured plan bertus .(Y)

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