Best Combination from the following choices


Deepankar Gaur
Deepankar Gaur Asked 10 years ago

Hello Experts,

I have been playing TT since last 14 years and since last 7 years I was using the below combination

(Heavy Butterfly Blade + Yasaka Mark 5 on both sides)

This improved my forehand a lot but because of the heaviness of the Racket my backhand suffered. Now I would like to go for an upgrade from my existing weapon to something which will best suite my style of play as described below and will also help me in improving my backhand smashes,

Top Spin Smash Offense and Maximum Chop and Placement Defense (For Forehand)

Chop and Placement Defense (For Backhand)

My options are as follows (although new suggestions are always welcome),

Blades - Joola Carbon, Butterfly Jonyer H-II, Stag Balsa, Donic Waldner Allplay, Donic Waldner Exclusive

Forehand Rubbers - Adidas P5, Joola Mambo C, Yasaka Mark 5, Donic Coppa Jo Platin, Donic Acuda S1 Max, Donic Acuda S2

Backhand Rubbers - Adidas P5, Yasaka Mark 5, Any others

Glue - No idea here but some options will be really really appreciated

I really appreciate asap replies as I want to finalize it and buy the stuff within 2 days so that I can get the racket ready and start smashing the opposition out of the competition

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Deepankur,

I think any of the blades that you have suggested are probably OK.  The one that I like for myself out of those is the Jonyer.

As far as rubbers if you want something faster than the Mark V then the Adidas or Acuda S2 rubber would be faster but not too fast.  I think the others would be a big step up in speed.

The backhand the Adidas would be OK or stay with the Mark V.

Make sure you use a proper Table Tennis glue.  I use a Yasaka Water based glue or XIOM but there are plenty of options out there.  Just see which one your supplier has.

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Thoughts on this question

Deepankar Gaur

Deepankar Gaur Posted 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

Thank you for the valuable suggestions. I was also wondering if I can reuse the same old blade that I have (Butterfly Power 7fl) and just change the rubbers (I have worn out Mark 5 on both sides). My only worry is that this blade weighs approximately 95 gms and it impacts my backhand play since I rely on my wrists for a quick backhand smash. So will will it be good to just change the rubber ? Will using a new rubber make the blade feel lighter in hand?

I have these queries because I read the reviews for Butterfly Power 7fl and they were quite good.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Deepankar,

You can use the same blade but the new rubber won’t make it lighter.  It will certainly save some money though.

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