Best equipment for all round player


Abhishek Rao
Abhishek Rao Asked 12 years ago

I m using a rubber called 'joola mambo' in fore hand and 'long pimples' at backhand and 'donic applegren' no carbon all rounder ply. I'm not suitable with this combination. So what equipments i should prefer , as i am a low budget player, please suggest me a rubber for forehand and a suitable ply for me. My budget is 60-80 US dollars

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Abhishek,

What is the problem with your bat at the moment?  Is it too fast or too slow?  Unfortunately for that budget you will not get a lot of good rackets.  Others may have some options for you.

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 12 years ago

I used the Donic Applegren blade before and I really liked it...excellent control.  If you want to be an "all-round" player, however, not sure why you are using long pips on your BH.

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