Best Rubber For Defender to block


racques Unknown
racques Unknown Asked 16 years ago


i'm a deffensive player. i wanna know what rubber is best for blocking.

thank you for helping!!!!!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago


To be able to block and chop you will need a fairly good control rubber.  The long pimple rubbers will be more effective for chopping but are difficult to block with.  A sponge rubber is easier to block with but needs to be a littl slower to be able to chop effectively with.

I will give this over to some defenders that will be able to help you out with brands and names.

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Thoughts on this question

Charles Unknown

Charles Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Okay so you are a defensive player. It dosen't mean that you will only block the ball but you must be able to put heavy spin on your pushes, chops and even blocks.

Butterfly's Super Spin Rubbers are best suited for desensive play. Their are two families of rubber failing in this category. Tackiness and Tackifire. Tackifire being the allround one and Tackiness being the defensive one. Tackiness Chop II has the bigger spin rating. Tackifire Drive is used by Koji Matsushita and Joo Se Hyuk. Go figure.

Since your question is what is a good rubber for blocking, I'm thinking that any "can do it all" rubbers like Solcion, Sriver and Mark V can do the job.

 As a following add up, use a defensive blade like Joo Se Hyuk for defensive play. Or any Allround blade can do.

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