Best shot


D K Asked 9 years ago

Hi PingSkills Team

One of my firends who can play quite well but no technique,he just hit the ball back and does not understand what is spin said that the smash is the most powerful and most important stroke.

Most powerful-mabye in terms of strength.

I do not think
What is your opinon?

And what do you think,what is the most effective shot,even including all trick shots, shot from which position, simply from everything that can be learned?

Is there any nonreturnable (or almost nonreturnable) shot?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi DK,

There is no unreturnable shot but I think the most important stroke is the topspin and probably the forehand topspin.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 9 years ago

This makes sense.,everything can be returned.

But what stroke is closest to being nonretrunable?

I know that topspin is used by many players,but is it the most dangerous shot?
Probably not,as every player even from intermediate level are able to return or even attack it.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

In his defence, smashes were the best aggressive stroke before loops developed. Not to mention people call loops smashes.

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