Best technique to return chops


Upendra Narsingani
Upendra Narsingani Asked 5 years ago

Hi Alois,

Wanting to learning best return technique when your opponent is a chopper. Tried to return with top spin but most of the time goes to the net. Thanks in advance!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Upen,

I think the principles of returning are that you want to keep them close to the table with your return unless you can play a fast attacking return on their serve.

By attacking fast while they are close it is more difficult for them to return the ball.

If your return ins going into the net, think about a more vertical stroke to lift the ball more.  Take a look at our tutorial on  the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.


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Thoughts on this question

Frank Lucas

Frank Lucas Posted 5 years ago

Upen, you'll also see pros push the ball if their opponent has chopped at them consecutively to "defuse" the ball.

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