Best Wood Blade for Top Elite Level Player


Paul Prashad
Paul Prashad Asked 6 years ago

Hi Alois, 

I was wondering if you can recommend a couple of “all wood” blade (7 PLY) that would best suit play for a good friend of mine that is highly skilled and very attacking. Lots of top spin and attacking shots. he plays at a very high competitive level.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Paul,

I will hand this one over the the readers to give you their experience.  We have a lot of readers with knowledge about this area.

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There's is an old saying about guitar playing - tone is in your fingers. And If you've ever seen a really good guitarist play an old guitar then you'll understand how true that saying is. I know we go on a lot about this topic but it is so true. Once you've got yourself a decent bat, it's no longer up to the equipment, it's up to YOU!

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Thoughts on this question

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 6 years ago

Hi Paul.  Whilst I wish it didn't, budget is a big factor in this question.  What is your friend's budget US$50-$150, US$150-$300 or US$300+?


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