BH Topspin vs. FH Topspin


Curtis Lewis
Curtis Lewis Asked 14 years ago

Hey Alois and Jeff,

I recently found that that my forehand has significantly more spin on the topspin drive than my backhand.  I'm pretty sure my technique for both wings is pretty solid, but I'm frustrated that my backhand has less topspin compared to the forehand.  What should I do to increase the backhand topspin?  Or, should I just use the backhand for blocks and settle for the weaker topspins?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Curtis,

You can definitely improve the backhand topspin.  Perhaps try to let your wrist relax more on the backhand and even extend it out at the end of the stroke.  The wrist is where you will start to generate some more spin because of the extra speed of the stroke.

Also think about the contact of the stroke.  You have a good reference point with your forehand topspin.  Compare the two sides and see if the contact of your backhand is the same as your forehand.  If not work on making ut similar by doing some drills with one forehand followed by one backhand and compare the two. 

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Backhand Chop

This video lesson teaches the backhand chop. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using long pimples on your backhand.

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