marks on the rubber


tom foster
tom foster Asked 14 years ago


 you know when you serve you loosen you grip , my rubber has a mark there and on where my forefinger goes. my coach says that i hold my bat too tight and he has never had that problem, but when i serve i try to hold it as loose as i can and of i hold it any looser my bats going to fly out of my hand. do you have marks on your rubbers or do i hold it too tight 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Jimmy,

If there are marks on the rubber just from the serving hold it is probably OK depending on how old your rubber is.

Even though you are holding the fingers loosely, you have quite a good hold where your knuckle and thumb are holding on to the bat.  This could cause enough friction to wear the rubber down after a while. 

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Thoughts on this question

tom foster

tom foster Posted 14 years ago

i've only had them for 2 weeks 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 14 years ago
Sounds like you may be holding the bat too tightly.  See if you can loosen the grip during your warm up especially.

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