Blades and rubbers


Toti Failla
Toti Failla Asked 3 years ago

Hi Alois, I have a question. Is it true that fast blades don't match fast and hard rubber and slow blades dont match slow and soft rubbers? If it is true,   Is a slow blade and fast rubber better  than a fast blade and slow rubber?   Which combination do chinese  players use and which combination do european players use?     I have a viscaria off blade and I am confused if to use a soft sponge or hard spong and if to use  max thickness or 2.00 mm thickness. I play local agonistic  tournements  in Italy and I am an advanced player who likes a moderate attacking tactic. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Toti,

You can have any combination of blade and rubber.  Each player is different in what feel right for them.

Personally I like a slower blade that gives more feeling and a faster rubber that allows you to play with more spin and speed as well.

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