Brushing Ball


trilochan singh
trilochan singh Asked 15 years ago

Hi Coach,

What is the basic difference between brushing the ball with the spin and brushing the ball against the spin.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Trilochan,

If you brush the ball with the sppin you are keeping the ball spinning in the same direction.  If you brush against the spin, you are reversing the spin on the ball.

Recommended Video

How You Can Generate a Brushing Contact on the Ball

In this video we will discuss and demonstrate how you can generate a brushing contact on the ball. A brushing contact is ideal for creating as much spin as possible during a rally.

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Thoughts on this question

trilochan singh

trilochan singh Posted 15 years ago

I have asked so many questions and you answered very thoroughly, i also took benefit out of that. this time i didnot get your answer. can you elaborate on that.

I think brushing with againt the spin or with the spin hold good against side spin only. Am i correct.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago
Yes, this is mainly with sidespin.

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